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Testers Wanted: Topic Approval

Hello everyone,

the upcoming version 1.13 of Asgaros Forum will come with a new functionality: Topic Approval. The implementation of this feature required dozens of changes in the core of the plugin so there is a high risk for potential bugs. I am looking for testers who want to play around with the latest development-version to ensure that the upcoming release will be as stable as possible.

Some key-points of the new approval-functionality:

  • Adds a new option to forums to enable/disable the approval-functionality
  • The approval-functionality is only available for new topics, not for posts
  • It is not possible to unapprove a topic after approval
  • If the approval-functionality is enabled, new topics will be unapproved after creation
  • Topics from moderators/administrators dont need approval
  • The site-owner gets a mail-notification when there is a new unapproved topic
  • Adds an option to define from which users topic-approval is needed (guests and/or normal users)
  • Unapproved topics dont appear in the normal topic-list or other areas (widgets, notifications, last-post, activity, unread, etc)
  • Access to unapproved topics is not possible for non-moderators via URL-manipulation
  • All topics will get approved inside a forum when the approval-option will be disabled
  • Nobody can answer, interact or moderate in unapproved topics
  • Subscribers and mentioned-users only get notified after the topic got approved
  • If a topic needs approval the topic-creator will get notified and redirected back to the overview after topic-creation
  • Moderators/Administrators see a notification in the overview when there are unapproved topics
  • There is a frontend-view available from which moderators/administrators can approve topics
  • Its not possible to subscribe to unapproved topics
  • Users who try to access an unapproved topic will get redirect back to the overview
  • Moderators can only see and approve topics which are accessible for them
  • The approval-functionality also works with the shortcode-parameter for categories

If you are interested in testing the latest-development version you can download it here.

Hint: This development-version should be relatively stable and contains other improvements of the upcoming update as well. You can find more information about them inside the readme.txt-file.

I am looking forward for your feedback! 🙂

Thank you,


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war leider nichts.

Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class AsgarosForum in /www/htdocs/w01846ed/ on line 5


Hätte dir gern geholfen.


Hallo @springer

Ja, dieser Fehler tritt auf, weil das Plugin zweimal auf deiner Seite vorhanden ist. Die alten Dateien müsstest du vorher mit deinem FTP-Programm entfernen (nicht über den Admin-Bereich deinstallieren).

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

ok, habe ich gemacht. Man musste aber beide Verzeichnisse löschen, die zweite hatte auch ein Verzeichnis angelegt. Also die Installation lief jetzt durch und auf den ersten Blick schaut es normal aus.

Worauf sollen wir nun achten in der Folgezeit?


@springer Im Endeffekt das Forum ganz normal weiter benutzen und mir hier eine Nachricht hinterlassen, falls irgendwas plötzlich nicht mehr funktioniert. 🙂

Das Hauptproblem bei solch umfangreichen Änderungen ist meißtens, dass man irgendwelche Kleinigkeiten an bestehenden Komponenten vergisst bzw übersieht.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

Hi @asgaros, I have installed the latest version on a clean install of WordPress. So far, no issues in older functions. However, it seems I cannot get the approval feature to work. For proper testing, I applied the same settings as on our production forum.

In my test, I have three users on the forum:

  • wouteradmin (me, full admin)
  • Jan de Vries (normal user)
  • Piet van Tol (normal user)

I have create a main forum (closed), under which I have a subforum (open). On the production site, we have a lot of sub-forums. Here I settled for just one. In both main and sub topics must be approved.

I have three browsers open so I can be logged in with all accounts.

Jan de Vries posts a new topic. wouteradmin does NOT get an email to approve. Piet van Tol can see and comment in the new topic.

I created a second forum with the checkbox ‘approval’ NOT checked, just to be sure. There the same happens: Jan can just post a new topic and wouteradmin does not get the email to approve.

Am I doing something wrong? And/or do you need more information on my installation? Of course, I can give you a full admin account on this testsite.

Thanks, Wouter

Uploaded files:
  • Screen-Shot-2019-01-13-at-06.19.31.png
  • Screen-Shot-2019-01-13-at-06.19.46.png
  • Screen-Shot-2019-01-13-at-06.23.37.png
  • Screen-Shot-2019-01-13-at-06.24.11.png

Hello @wouterbruijning

Thank you for testing the new approval-functionality for topics.

By default the topic-approval functionality is only active for guests. If topics from normal users also require approval, you have to go to Forum -> Settings -> General and change the option “Approval needed for new topics from:” to “Guests & Normal Users”.

Another hint: In closed forums only moderators and administrators can create new topics. Topics of moderators and administrators are approved automatically anyway, so there is no need to activate the approval-function in a closed forum.

Wouter Bruijning has reacted to this post.
Wouter Bruijning
If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!

Thanks @asgaros. I think I’ll stick in my testing to ‘my’ situation, which is that only registered users can user the forum. We do not allow guests… Still, my test setup may lead to some findings 😉

Hello @wouterbruijning

Topic Approval can also be activated for normal registered users as described before. The new functionality is also already included in the v1.13 update which I released today. This version was running in this forum for a while and it seemed to be stable. 🙂

Wouter Bruijning has reacted to this post.
Wouter Bruijning
If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!