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Editor – Texteingabefeld


bei uns ist seit einem der letzten Updates das Texteingabefeld des Editors total schmal; man muss es erst höher ziehen, damit man mehr als eine Zeile Text sehen kann. Hier ist es übrigens genauso, sehe ich gerade. Ich bin mit Chrome unterwegs, im Edge ist es aber auch so. Firefox habe ich leider nicht. Kann man das irgendwie so einstellen, dass das Texteingabefeld wieder breiter ist?

Vielen Dank schon mal im Voraus für Hilfe und ein schönes letztes Adventswochenende,


Uploaded files:
  • editor.jpg


The same issue is available in the official forum post field. I added the official forum error as an additional file


at this address the temporary solution to the problem is described.

Uploaded files:
  • asgaros.png

Hello @glen @ursula

I dont have any of those issues in Edge or Chrome – also not in this forum.

  • Are you using any browser-extensions which could be responsible for this?

Also please try the following in Google Chrome: Press CTRL + SHIFT + I and navigate to the Console tab. Can you see any error-messages there?

Edit: It seems this is a problem since version 5.0 of WordPress. Enabling the minimalistic editor in the options fixes this issue for me. I will try to investigate whats going on there.

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Short update: It seems I really have to fix this with the code-sample shown by glen. This issue accours when the minimalistic editor is disabled and the advanced editor-toolbars are hidden (not toggled). Actually this is a bug in the WordPress core but I dont know when they fix it so I have to apply that dirty css-hack:

It will be included in the upcoming update.

If you want to support the development of Asgaros Forum, you can leave a good review or donate. Thank you very much!